What is to be Ukrainian now?

2 month ago I even could’t image that it can be possible for me. Today I’m trying to combine different roles: freelancer, volunteer, small business owner while looking for full-time opportunities. And by the way I’m staying in Kyiv - the city which is under the major risk of attack.

How do I feel? I bit insane. I have at least 2 interviews per day with both foreign and Ukrainian companies (thank you guys from Ukraine, that you still have hiring process). Between interviews I communicate with the clients of my small project - collierdore.com (because I don’t have huge budgets I do all by my self from website development to parcels sending). I still pay taxes, and donate 10% from orders to non-profit organization UAnimals.

At the same time, I work as a freelancer at Upwork - providing some digital ads services for foreign clients and you remember that I’m staying in Kyiv, where every day we have notification about air raid alert.

Everyday, I’m trying to be smiling and tell people which see me from the other side of the screen that I’m ok and ready to join their team asap. But at the same time I see messages from friend of friend that somebody dead in Kharkiv, Mariupol or other city in Ukraine. For those who is not from Ukraine it is impossible to understand, and it’s ok.  But what I want to say:

  • If you have an opportunity to support small UA business, please support

  • If you have job opportunities in your company, in your country, please share

  • If you have an opportunity to donate to UA Army or any other non-profit organization in Ukraine, please donate

  • If you have an opportunity just hug or tell some words of support from those who flee from Ukraine, please do that


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